So now let me tell you about “the 3/50 project”. This is a project that focuses on “saving the brick and mortars our nation is built on”. When you read about this project it’ll make perfect sense to you and actually enlighten you on some important information. Did you know that for every $100 spent in locally owned independent stores like Mulberry Cottage, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other expenditures. If you spend that in a national chain, only $43 stays in the local economy. Spend it online and nothing comes home.

This project’s goal is to help keep shops just like Mulberry Cottage stay in business and to help the local economy’s with of course the help from you our wonderful customers. I urge you to please go the website and read all about it or stop by the shop and pick up a flyer. It is truly a project worth it’s gold in supporting! Please go to once there go to the “home” page to read all about it. All of us here at Mulberry Cottage, and I know you do too, want Mulberry Cottage to be around for a very long time. I also want my fellow independent small store owners to be around for a long time too… I don’t want us all to crumble away while the Big Box stores seem to take over the country that was founded by our wonderful Fathers many years ago with a dream that started with small businesses!